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3 Highly Effective Ways to get through a Migraine Day

You wake up, perhaps in the middle of the night with a migraine. YUP. It's so bad it actually WOKE you up! And now, you have to get up the next day and function. I mean, take care of your family, work or perhaps give a presentation.

Does this sound like you?

I can relate.

I had migraines for 16 years. You know, the kind that takeover. No one truly understand what a migraine is like until you've had one. Often times, you will have one for days. I've had days of a full blown migraine, nausea, weakness and still had to get up, show up and give 100%. It's hard, ya'll. I feel your pain.

So how did I manage to get up, take care of my daughter, spouse, work oh and cook a beautiful meal? Oh friend it wasn't easy, or fun. But i did.

Let me share some tips for YOU on your migraine days:

1. Let GO and LET GOD. Let me say it again, LET GO AND LET GOD.

Rely on God's strength and not your own to get you through the day. It may not erase the migraine but it allows us to surrender it to God. He is the Healer. I would say a simple prayer, "God I need you so badly today, I feel like I cannot function, I feel hopeless, please help ME."

2. Take 10 minutes and completely shut down. If you have to take something out of your day to do so, I recommend it. For me it was taking out facebook and emails so I could find the time to lay in a dark room and take deep breaths, close my eyes and let my body slow down, destress.

3. Get on the Real Food Wagon. No matter what point in the day, it's NEVER to late to take out processed foods and add in healthier foods that have less migraine triggers. My diet has been thee largest and most positive impact on getting rid of my migraines. Understanding what our triggers are can drastically change migraines.

So there you are. If you want to try the real food then snag your FREE Mini Migraine Makeover Meg has carefully created for Migraine Sufferer's. It's FREE Ya'll! Just visit her site and signup on the main page for instant access to your guide and a FREE Migraine Makeover Strategy consult!

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