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7 Hacks To Stay Motivated With the Winter Blah's

Has the cold weather gotten to you? For many, this time of year can be difficult. You have months before spring and New Year's resolutions that well..haven't happened yet. I have totally been there and wanted to share a few tips to keep you motivated even when it's hard to when it's cold!

Meg's Hacks to Motivation

1. Create a collage of all the things you want to see in your life. If you want to lose weight, cut out things from magazines that inspire you; people, outfits you want to wear, recipes to try. One thing I did last year was cut out quotes that inspired me an put them on my fridge. So get creative, use those scissors and start to inspire, create your vision board!

2. Update your music workout playlist. I have to admit, I am a music junkie when it comes to working out. I always joke if people knew what I listened to when working out they'd laugh at me. I love rap, Zumba music, Hip hop...anything to keep my booty moving. So go ahead, update some new songs on your playlist for the next time you hit the gym

3. Get off of social media. Ouch. If social media sucks away your time, you find yourself comparing yourself to others then get off of it or limit the amount you go on. This was something I struggled with and found when I gave myself a time of 6:00-6:10 am and pm to be on Facebook it truly allowed me to free up my time to focus on MY goals instead of aimlessly looking at Facebook. This was a life changer for me!

4. Grab some books and learn some new recipes. Go to a bookstore, library or find used books online to learn new recipes. Sometimes all we need is to get out of our funk and refresh. I found the library has TONS of recipe books and of course, they are free. So go ahead, give it a try!

5. Write out your fitness schedule. If you have ever just shown up to the gym without a fitness schedule then you know what I mean. I have done this before and I can tell you I end up chatting with everyone in the gym instead of working out. So try this: On Sunday evening, write your workout schedule for the week and what times you will workout. Write what muscle groups you will workout and the times you will workouts. This way, you will have a better plan! You can always contact Meg, she creates custom workouts on her APP just for you!

6. Dress nice. Ya'll I get it. As a momma who is in her second trimester, I love to dress comfy. But I will admit, when I dress nicer, I feel better, have more confidence and motivation. So whatever your plans are that day, get up, dress nice and let your light shine!

7. Find your tribe. When it comes to fitness, it's easy to get bored or unmotivated if you haven't found what makes you groove. For me, I have to join a gym and I get the most out of group fitness classes( I also teach them). I have found you meet SO many amazing people when taking the classes. It's a great way to venture out and meet new people. Then, going to the gym will be more fun. If you enjoy working out at home, Join an online community where you can share your workouts with others, etc. You can join Megs online fitness and nutrition community HERE:

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