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Rising Grocery Prices and How to Save so you CAN eat healthy!

2021 is quite a year and the rising price of EVERYTHING has hit us all with our family. Stretching each dollar is vital right now and I think food prices are only going to soar unfortunately.

I am passionate to help other Momma's figure out how they can still eat healthy as a family so I am sharing my BEST tips I have used over the years.

I am a Wife, Mother of 3 , holistic nutritionst, Naturopath and trainer passionate to help YOU during this time.

Can you eat healthy with rising food prices?


Will you have to make some changes?


But, Health is Wealth in our home. And IS worth the investment. So lets dig in!

  1. Purchase BPA free food containers of all sizes. This way you save in the long haul. Start thinking SIMPLE. Everything you purchase for your children's lunch's can be prepared less expensive if you portion out in advance. For example, instead of buying 6 small packs of raisins, but one large tub or raisins and portion out for each lunch. You pay a premium when it's all pre-packaged.

  2. If this seems time consuming it is worth it with the cost of food increasing. I do this for yogurts as well. I buy a large tub or plain organic greek yogurt then portion out in my BPA free containers. Add some pumpkin pie spice seasoning, agave and your good to go. Again, you pay less if you portion things out yourself.

  3. Love a brand of something? GREAT. Companies right now WANT YOUR money and are tired of competing with Amazon, trust me on this. Brand loyalty is everything right now. Email the company tell them how much you LOVE their products and see if they can offer coupons for you. You can do this with food, diapers, supplements and more. I have done this!!!

  4. Become an ambassador for a company. I fell in love years ago with Teeccino teas. I went on their website and applied to become an ambasador. With that, I recieved a percentage off of their products and when I shared it with friends/family who purchased from me I also recieved money. Was a great way to SAVE on a product I was loyal to!

  5. Love organic beauty products? Honestly, I have fallen in LOVE with supporting local businesses on Etsy. You can buy pretty much anything on there. Again, small businesses LOVE brandy loyalty. I always score a coupon from each company I buy beauty products from and it's not filled with all the chemicals you'd find at most grocery stores!! Check it out!!

  6. BULK FOODS- Going back to sorting your own food. I enjoy purchasing bulk foods such a rice, beans, cereals. Local stores have these and you aren't paying for the pretty packaging but can get some awesome organic deals!!!!

  7. Considering splitting a cow or pig with family or friends from a local farm. Most times you will get grassfed and less cost then buying from a large retail company.

  8. Compare costs with buying a whole chicken then cutting yourself then buying chicken presliced. Many times you pay extra if it's already ready to cook. Again, this is more time consuming but in the long haul can save alot of money!!!!

  9. Consider buying frozen items. You can purchase most fruits and vegetables organic AND frozen. This doesn't have to be an all or nothing mentatility where you are going to buy all organic and fresh or nothing at all. Some payday's I buy most things frozen if we are saving more money. Foods you want to invest in organic are the dirty dozen. The dirty dozen are foods with THIN skin so chemicals absorb into the skin easier. Examples include apples, strawberries, cucumbest and tomatoes. Clean 15 are ones that have thicker skin and not nececcarly needed organic such as pineapples, avocadoes, mangoes and eggplant. Did you know you can buy FROZEN avocadoes? This is a favorite of mine and it's way less exensive.

  10. Look outside the box for milk. My kids LOVE milk but I offer a variety of ways to get calcium for them. Did you know you can purchsed rice, hemp, soy and coconut milk in the aisles? You save a HUGE amount here!

  11. Stay loyal to a company. If you get fuel perks or some incentive then it may be helpful to stay with the company. I normally get about $100.00 each time I go to grocery because I save my perks from the purchase before. SCORE!!! Again, companies want YOU coming back. So if you like a chain, find out how you can save.

  12. COUPON! Yes girl, clip that coupon then find a digital one to. It takes me 10 minutes each time to clip digital coupons and I clip from local ads. 10 minutes of work can often save me over $50.00 I double coupon as welll!

  13. Dollar General has a great incentive anytime you purchse during the week you can come back the following Saturday and recieve $5.00 off $25.00 or more. So I often run back in Saturday mornings and stock up on cat litter (which there is a shortage of right now), diapers, wipes and essentials. I may buy a few decorations there as well!

  14. Start making your OWN beauty and cleaning products. I LOVE talking about this and will be educating women on this in our group chat in November. If you want to join click here

  15. If you are not sure how ro cook healthy or where to start I created a 7 day plan for you busy Momma. Details are here (mention this post and code 7DAYCHALLENGE for $10.00 off!)

  16. Consider buying your eggs locally. Depending on the season, you can purchase eggs, honey, vegetables from local farmer's market and helping small businesses. This was a hit for our family this summer. We grew a completely checmical free garden (not the best year to do it when we had baby #3 but it was fun!) and our kids had a blast eating the food then on Friday's we went to a local farmer's market. Great way to keep little's involved in healthy cooking as well.

  17. When buying cheese consider buying the larger block and chopping yourself. Again, anything that needs more prep will save your money. Don't have much time? Cut back on your socal media. These are small sacrifices you may need to do right now wtih soaring food prices.

  18. Buy your herbs and spices in bulk. You save a ton and can experiment with different flavors.

  19. Cut back on 2 nights a week of Starbucks or eating out. If you add up how much you spending eating out you may be shocked. We follow Dave Ramsey's plan and have for years!

  20. Stop splurging at the store. Feed your cute self before the grocery. Remember how it FEELS when you stick to your budget.

  21. Find that clearance isle girlfriend! I LOVE our grocery's clearance isle I get tons of dented cans, of goodies, healthy breads that I freeze for later. Go for it!

Eating healthy CAN be attained. It takes time at first but if you don't have your health then what?

Think about what is truly important to you.

We are living in times where we need to simplify our lives, more of Jesus and simple cooking. I hope you find peace tonight and a few ways to save! Don't forget to join Meg Fisher Wellness's FREE group for Busy Momma's where daily Meg share's how to cook healthy and make it quick, weight loss tips for life, workouts and more!


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