Thriving not Surviving Social Distancing

Today is what feels like the first "official" day of social distancing. Schools are out, the weekend is over and our oldest didn't go to school today.
Have you felt a wave of emotions the past few days?
We were all living life so normal, busy and so focused on our busy bee little lives. As a Christian I believe God wants us to seek Him , "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
What does that look like for you?
I'm not a germ a phobe by any means but the coronavirus is also something we have never encountered. I went to the grocery last night and came home in tears, it's not the virus itself that scares me (although I do believe in taking precautions, duh!) but I saw sheer panic, fear and stress on people's faces. Their jobs are at stake, restaurants are closed now, they are worried about bills, mortgages and childcare. These are real stressors, I could feel their pain last night and had to rush home to recharge my own batteries (and watch some tv with the hubs of course.)
If there is anything I have learned being a military spouse for 11 years it's this: Trust in God, do what you can to control and He will provide the rest.
What about you, have you had a season in life before where you needed to give your situation to God?
Ten years ago, as newlyweds my husband was on the front-line of the war in Afghanistan. I can still feel the pain, I remember staring at the front door constantly waiting for them to knock on my door and tell me my husband was KIA. He never was, but I allowed fear to overtake me. I remember last year when we, as a family were transitioning out of the military and had no jobs in sight, no idea where we would be living but we knew he was done in July and we had a baby on the way. We were also informed out baby was a 1/6 risk for down syndrome so we were preparing to have a special needs child. I was also stricken in fear. Frozen.
Do you feel frozen? Panicked? Not sure of whats to come? You aren't alone.
What we do know this this; God is still in control.
Deployment number three taught me alot about fear, to make the most out of a situation. Our daughter was three at the time and my husband was away. This wasn't a combat deployment but quite honestly the thought of just raising a kid with no spouse, family around terrified me. But something deep inside changed this time, We took the deployment head on. My daughter and I THRIVED not survived that deployment. We took it as an opportunity to try new things and take it a day at a time. Let me tell you, my attitude of positivity and not fear was a game changer.
I feel the coronavirus is a great opportunity to choose your path.
Do you want to live in constant fear or create a positive home environment while we are all social distancing?
There is something the deployments taught me- how to be creative, resourceful and make the most out of incredibly stressful situations. So here are some creative ways we can keep moving forward, especially those with kids at home. I have two at home so you can bet we will be using these as well!
Ideas for You and your children
1. Teach your children about money, Dave Ramsey has been our tool for years for save money. In a crisis such as this, cash is king. Teaching our children the value of saving for emergencies and getting out of debt is crucial. So grab an envelope and start saving!
Info here for Financial Peace University:
2. Grow a garden. I picked up seeds, soil and starter kit for about $8.00 at the dollar tree. Teach your kids how to start a garden from seeds, it will be great to give them a chore to do daily and replant them outside. (Side note we started this and my cats ate almost all of it, I dont have a green thumb but atleast we had some laughs!)
3. Get off social media! What a great opportunity to stop the addiction with your cell phone, tablet and give your children what they truly long for that is FREE; your full attention. Listen, play and give yourself limits to your own social media.
Children dont usual need alot of stuff- they just need your full attention and love.
4. Create a schedule for your "new norm" Today were creating a M-F school schedule for our oldest. It'll be filled with gym class (aka going outside to teach soccer, ball, running)
5. Get MOVING! I am a Personal Trainer and Zumba instructor. I will be hosting FREE Live classes here: You can dance, destress all from the comfort of home!
6. Learn new recipes and teach your children the basics of cooking. When else will your children not be involved in sports after school? This is a great opportunity to start cooking together!
7. Call loved ones. Do you have an elderly parent, grandparent? Chances are, they are not going to be around many people right now so call them!!
8. Make family paint nites. We did this a few weeks ago, We stayed in and make homemade pizzas then painted St. Patty's day owls. We had so much fun! I got the canvases and everything at the dollar tree.
9. Teach your children the basics of the bible or start a family devotional.
10. DeClutter your home. What if you make a 1 hour block each day and you all donate items.
11. Call a friend or family member who makes you laugh. Remember, EVERYONE is effected by the coronavirus right now, whether you are ill, your had to stop working, etc. We all could life each other up!
12. Get crafty. Im not saying pinterst or Martha Stewart perfection here but start something with your hands. Buy a bulk craft box, jewelry or sewing kit. You may find a new hobby for yourself and kiddos!
13. Purchase a used DVD in place of sports. Our oldest is in dance right now, since that wont be happening I purchased a dance DVD for her online. She loves it and it's a great way to keep active!
14. Start Yardwork. Want to teach your children the value of hard work? If they are old enough, take them outside for spring cleaning. Bring in mulch, trim branches, pick up sticks and they can learn the value of home ownership!
15. Eat, pray and love together. You have to start looking at a "new norm" stop focusing on what all was cancelled and look at this as a new opportunity and chapter in life to slow down. This to shall pass and someday we will be on our busy little bee schedules again.
16. Looking for an online weight loss program? Workouts, meals and online support? Visit for details on her 2 programs called the Mindset Makeover
But for now, put down your phone, go talk to your children, listen and who knows, maybe they can teach us all a thing to two and join the online support group free here:
Meg Fisher
